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animations gone haywire! ... any suggestions?


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welp since last patch ... my animations have gone haywire ... specifically ... once I zone for the first time ... my avatar and npc's are all of a sudden running a hyper-serana idle script (it appears to me anyways) ... and is overriding the animations I have installed.


I have done ...

- verify files on steam

- removed all my added animations / new save / restart without them ... even with vanilla animations ... after zoning ... the haywired ones return...

- I don't use FNIS's req'd mod's... but have even tried putting that in ... just in case.


... any additional suggestions to try?


I also have tried to location the file that controls Serana's animations to remove in case its corrupted ... but I'm clueless on this front ...


well, here's hoping someone has a better suggestion! Thanks!

Edited by Scoop11
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Nothing should really overwrite anything. You have any mods thru Steam maybe ya might be missing? I found someone else with a similiar problem. Heres how they fixed it:



1. Go to website: skyrim-nexusmods-com

2. Search: Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS

3. Download this mod: FNIS Behavior Files V2_1 -- ALWAYS necessary

4. Activate it with your Nexus mod manager

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aye done that already ... and actually have "zero" files in the animation folder ... and still getting the serana animation on my toon and npc's ...


.... bit puzzled atm... thx for giving it thought! :smile:

Edited by Scoop11
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