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FO3Edit Search Filter question


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Hi guys.


Recently i bought FO3 and FNV, and i started to learn modding a bit. However i'm having trouble with some search related issues in FO3Edit, the manuals and tutorials don't provide too much information on this as well. I'm new to all this so maybe i'm missing something entirely or doing it wrong, i have no idea.


For example when i want to filter or search for 1 keyword, let's say "Fog" or "Clip" , that works fine and it shows the results.
But when you want to filter or search for multiple keywords at once, let's say "Fog Clip Dist" (Exact Term) , the list shows up empty.


Does the application support searching for multiple keywords or exact terms? or are there any scripts, workarounds or other solution for this "multiple keyword" search?


Also, i didn't mean searching on the right side at "Filter by Name", but rather the whole esm file at once on the left side (including all the paths and subpaths).

Edited by Trackah123
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