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lydia UNP BBP (or UNPB (T)BBP)


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Hi, I was trying really hard for like 10 hours to make Lydia with BBP physics.


1) First of all there is no UNPB BPP replacement for steel armor - or is there?


2) When I was simply using some of the standalone UNPB BBP armors (like leather huntress) and trying to rename files and put into armor->stell folder I was getting BBP pyhysic but no textures (blue color only)


3) couldnt find lydia replacement BBP


So I wanted to ask for help..

1)Can you show me any UNPB BPP replecacement fo steel armor (which lydia is natively wearing)?

2) or could you tell me how to make lydia to wear any if this UNPB BBP standalone armors (or how to replace original steel armor with custom stanalone one)


3) maybe someone can upload ready-to use file


THX for suggestions,


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