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(REQUEST) The Wonderful Land of Oz!


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Alright so after seeing the recent Oz the Great and Powerful I can very much say that seeing Oz in Skyrim would be astounding!

This is a request to see if someone is willing to get to work and make a complete conversion of Skyrim into Oz.


I have here a map of Oz as reference. Not very detailed but it does show regions, locations and the layout of the Yellow Brick Road.





Edited by Mahrielicus
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Sounds like a great idea and a good start! I'd get started on this my self if it weren't for my crappy 1.10ghz processor. xP


This is something I'd love to see happen being such a huge fan of Baum's "Oz" but not really a project I can see anyone from the community taking on.

As I just mentioned I could honestly tackle this project on my own using my own knowledge and skills but there is just no way without a powerful enough computer.

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  • 1 year later...

...Sorry, but ehrm... Bump?


Just thought I'd bump this back up. In the possibility of a modder looking for ideas?

Since the link I previously posted for an image of the map seems broken, here it it yet again:




Mr. Baum put so much effort into his World, not just the land of Oz, but created a world as a whole including other continents such as the Kingdom of IX and Land of Ev as seen in the world map:



The Lore of Oz is rich, fun, dramatic and all around fantastic. I've read the classic books and have even seen the Movies.

It's something that would be fun and well worth exploring. Bringing Oz to life in an interactive way would be astonishing and Skyrim does indeed provide the means necessary. The hardest part of making this happen, I believe, would be studying the Lore deep enough to include Baum's world and characters as a whole..


Now I don't mean to sound -pushy- or anything and I'm not exactly asking for anyone to go out of their way.

I'm doing what most have forgotten the Request Forum is for and therefore should be renamed for. Suggestion.

Edited by Mahrielicus
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