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Bug with the quest "Ancestral Whorship" and the NPC Golldir


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I completed the quest and received the reward but theres still a quest marker over Golldirs head like I'm suppose to do the quest over again. He is kind of acting like my follower but when I talk to him theres still the "Lets go" option as if to begin the quest I just did. In my journal it still says to talk to Golldir and protect Golldir but when I talk to him my only options are things I've already said to him while I was playing through the quest. Maybe the follower overhaul mod is messing with it because I have 2 talk options added by that mod "Lets talk about home" and "You know..." both of which do nothing when I select them.


Does anybody have any suggestions about how to resolve this? I guess I could just make the quest inactive and ignore it if I need to.

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