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Crazy teleport door


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I'm a new guy. I've spent the whole afternoon trying to do what I thought was a small project. Now I'm hoping one of you guys can help me get unstuck . . .


I am having a crazy time trying to get a simple load door to work. All is fine until I move from the new interior load door to the exterior (i.e., in Tamriel) door. Instead of winding up where I expect, I wind up in some unfamiliar place. No matter how many times I've tried re-doing this, I always wind up getting teleported to that same unfamiliar place.


Then it occurred to me that maybe it was the name I'd chosen that was confusing things. I picked "Undercroft," and, well, that was maybe just asking for trouble.


I renamed the cells. But the .esp file is still named Undercroft. Can I change that? (Or maybe that should be a separate question?)


Any help would be greatly appreciated . . .




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@Valkyrie: Thanks a lot for sending the link. You do nice tutorials. But I still can't see where I did anything wrong. I have everything set up and double-click on the interior teleport box to take me to the exterior teleport box--but the darn teleport sends me off to some strange place I don't recognize at all.


Repeatedly, I've redone the whole teleport door set-up--new exterior locations--but ALWAYS I wind up in that strange place! <lol>


Anyway, . . . that was why I thought MAYBE the confustion was the result of my naming the file Undercroft.esp. I've got a below-ground hideaway that I like a lot, and it's a downer that I can't use it. Any other ideas/suggestions would really be welcome.



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Excellent link . . . after I get my load door sorted, I'd like to change the .esp name, but that's for later . . . As for uploading the mod to Nexus and granting you access, that would be great . . . only thing is that I'll have to learn how to do that . . . I thought making the .esp file was the main part of uploading a mod to Nexus--so give me a day or two to get this done for you . . . (I know this probably isn't a big deal, but I don't have as much time for the game as I'd like--but I'll get it done) . . . Really appreciate your offer to help . . .


Happy camper

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