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Argonian Tail missing


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I have a problem with Argonians. The tail is missing :( I tried backing up to a previous status, but it seems I am missing something.


The funny thing is, I have the Custom Races Mod, and my custom Argoinans have the tail. So when I deactivate the Custom race the normal Argonian race is without the tail. I tried even copy/paste my Custom Race folder to TEXT/MESH/Character Asset place, and still the same.


It is identical for both female and male argonias.


Now, as I have no problems with Khajjits I was looking where are all the places their tail is. And still I cant figure it out.



Any ideas?



Many thanks.

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I tried to do the Stream Update and found no discrepancies. (I was pulling my hair with BOSS for at least 2 hours to check the order of mods. Couldn't find a thing). I even tried to deactivate all the mods I downaloaded. Argoanians still without tail. Then I thought I'll use my old back ups to make the folders look identical to the first back up after the game was initially installed. Argonians still didnt have the tail in the Race Menu :( Wanted to shoot myself. Then I tried copy/pasting to get back to were I was now, but the game started to CTD when I choose the Custom Race Argonians (female only) and then I thought I reached the point of no return.


Saved the process and I guess I ll do some MOD cleaning :(


I just deinstalled the game. Its a pain, but I think in the process of finding out what I did with all those files, I must have deleted something important and simply cant restore it.

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