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Hey everyone I'm trying to make a major city mod but I need help scripting. If anyone has any skills which could help me with the following I would greatly appreciate it:


A container only accepting Potions

A container only accepting Ingots

A container only accepting Ores

A container only accepting Leather

A container only accepting Pelts

A container only accepting Potions

A container only accepting Poisons

A container only accepting Ingredients

A container only accepting Soul Gems

A container only accepting Weapons

A container only accepting Armor

A container only accepting Ammo

A container only accepting Scrolls

A container only accepting meat

A container only accepting fish

A container only accepting drinks


A container only acceptingBooks (Begining with A,B,C,etc)

And containers which adds 500 gold to it every day but doesnt lose it to re-spawning

Spawn Levers (for an arena)


I know it's a lot but if anyone can help or at least point me in the right direction(the tutorial on creationkit.com didnt help me) I'll be really grateful


Cheers in advance



Edited by XOMICH
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Script to spawn an npc


Scriptname SCRIPTNAMEHERE Extends ObjectReference

import game
import debug

ActorBase property myNPC auto

ObjectReference property SpawnPlace auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
    SpawnPlace.PlaceActorAtMe(myNPC, x)


Just put that script on a lever or a button or something and set the properties. Also replace the x in (mynpc, x) with the numbers 1-4. This sets the npc's difficulty 1 being easy and 4 being hard.

If you have trouble getting the npc to attack you replace the second to last line with this,

SpawnPlace.PlaceActorAtMe(myNPC, x).StartCombat(Game.GetPlayer()) 
Edited by artificialsloth
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By "A container only accepting Potions" etc, etc, do you mean a container into which the player can put only potions, a container that only spawns potions inside, or both?


You might look into creating custom leveled item lists for each container, populated only with the items you want it to be able to spawn. For example, the basic barrels scattered around Skyrim use "LItemBarrelIngredientsCommonSame100" or similar lists, which makes them spawn only stuff like garlic and snowberries.

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