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Housecarl Locations


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I have been attempting to creat a mod that moves all the aquired housecarls to a single location. Changed things up a few times to try and get this working but I do not seem to be having any luck.


What I have been trying to do:


Use the companions barracks (Copy) as the location where all 8 housecarls use to sleep. I just used the WRguardhouse01 next to the manor.

Additional 3 or 4 guards of higher rank That utilize the other rooms.

The housecarls and guards all work on a scheduled patrol, so some are sleeping, while others are up. (4 sleeping 4 patrol 4 standing guard)

Wall around the manor with gates.


The wall around the manor is something I can do, but the schedule, patrol and getting the new hearthfire houscarls in there I cannot get working correctly. I like the Lakeview Manor the most and was editing this area.


Eventually I plan on making an addition to the basement that has a display for each unique weapon\armor. Anyone willing to help out?





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