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Dialogue and Perk Glitch


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I've been having this problem since I had to "refresh" my windows 8 system, my skyrim is updated to the most recent version and has hearthfire and dragonborn.


I have the following mods:

Better males (younger genox faces, and slip undies)

Apachi Hair

Immersive armours

seraph armor


UFO follower improvement

Final fantasy characters with sephiroth

Most of the enhanced towns series

Children of skyrim nord presets


Left Hand Rings

Kahjit Children

CBBE Curvy armors

Ring Of Dragon Born

100X carry weight


The glitch is as follows: When I open the game I can choose perks and use the dialogue menu as normal, but if I enter or exit a building or fast travel something strange happens, when I attempt to choose a dialogue option from the dialogue menu the option at the top of the menu, and I can't click on any of the perks in the skills menu I can quit and reopen and it's normal again until I fast travel, use the wagon or enter or exit a building. It might also have something to do with amount of time played.

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I haven't heard of this problem before, but if you could answer a few things for me, someone on here might be able to help.

1. Could you post your current load order?
2. Have you cleaned all your mods using TES5Edit?
3. Are you using BOSS to correctly sort your load order?
4. Which version of SKSE(if you have it) are you using?

Edited by Azakiel
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All sorts of problems can arise for having mods load in the wrong order, so you should always run BOSS each time you install or update a mod to ensure that mods load in the correct order.

For instance, just from a cursory glance over your load order, Dragonborn.esm requires Update.esm, so Update.esm should be loaded before it, and BOSS advises that Hearthfire be loaded before Dragonborn (but after Update.esm) although that is simply because BOSS sorts the DLC ESMs by order of release.


Another common cause of problems is so-called dirty edits. Any mod you install should always be cleaned using TES5Edit after installation or update. More Information can be found here http://www.creationkit.com/Category:TES5Edit


I notice that you are currently using NMM to install and organise your mods. I would advise that you instead use Wrye Bash (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1840) as among other things it will notify you of any mods that have missing or out of order master files. Wrye Bash also provides you with the ability to merge levelled lists together (useful if you have several mods that alter the same levelled lists)

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