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fparton15 - BANNED

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fparton15 banned.




Reason for the ban

Piracy of Skyrim


Hey I really need help. I followed a very helpful video tutorial on how to get the latest SKSE (1.6 something) and installed properly and safely with the Nexus mod manager. But every time I try to load skyrim with the SKSE loader i get an error message that says "must update to latest version of skyrim". But I think I did. I downloaded the game via torrent, then got the skyrim update reloaded 12 and tried my best to do what I think was installing it (couldnt find anything on the net to really help me). And it still says please update to latest version of skyrim. So I don't really know whether SKSE is the problem or if I didn't install the reloaded properly, and I'd like help learning how to install that. I'm not a freeloader I bought the game legitimately for console and all dlc's and just wanted it for pc to get the mods. there are a few I really want that require the script extender. Please help!


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