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Papyrus script not working when porting to from Oldrim LE to SSE


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Hi all, for the past week I have been trying to port over this mod from Nexus on Oldrim LE to SSE for Xbox One. The mod is called "Force Bow" a rather simple mod created by Stabtown (here is the link - https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15153) and there is permission to port. However from what the title says the script used in the magic effect for a enchantment that is used on the bow is not working.


Here is the script's content:


Scriptname WeaponForcePushScript extends activemagiceffect
{This is for weapon push/blast effects}
Event OnEffectStart(actor Target, actor Caster)
PushForce = 250
If Target != Game.GetPlayer()
Caster.PushActorAway(Target, PushForce)
int Property PushForce auto
Its strange because from what I've researched people who have had the similar issue was because their script used SKSE which this script has nothing to do with so I'm unsure what's causing this issue hence why I'm making a post about it. Anyway I'm certain I'm porting the mod right as on Xbox One SSE my other scripts in the same mod load and work fine with no issues.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks! :)
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