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PCB Auto Mod / Various Small Mod Ideas


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1. You know how when you eat your victims as a werewolf, and you see it from a certain angle, it looks like your eating the floor through the body?

There should be some sort of mesh/texture update that fixes this, so it looks like the werewolf head is slightly higher elevated than usual so its eating the victim, not the ground underneath it.

2. Hair mods give us lots of new appearance options, but I rarely use them because these new hair textures look strange with certain armors on. Like when you have long hair, you put on armor, and you see your hair poking through it on the back. Again, there should be a mod to fix this.
Maybe something that recognizes you wearing armor and kinda hides that excess hair.

3. Whenever you hide from enemies and that little eye line shows up, wouldn't it be cool if the eye matched your race and/or appearance?

For example, you're a werewolf stalking silverhand before transforming. As the eye opens up when they see you, you see a wolf eye instead of the usual. Same for vampires, khajiit, and argonians.



4. There should be a mod that purges your cache buffer every x minutes. The game has a lot going on, and I need to do this alo tin console. It would be great if there was a script that did this by itself.

I had some other mod ideas, but you know how it is. You think of it, try to remember, and when you get to the forums you lose it lol


hope this helps someone

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