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Children won't use furniture or idles

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Got a weird one here, couple of kids that refuse to use most seating furniture and idle markers. Got a custom village, where everything is built mostly from scratch. There are 2 children that live in different houses. I've got them both with schedules and most things work fine. They run around using empty patrol markers as planned, and use a "sit ledge marker" when instructed. They both go to bed as planned as well.


However, during sandbox schedule, they mostly don't do anything; won't use any furniture such as chairs, benches, crafting stations, or idle markers. I even made duplicates of the ones I want them to be able to use and made them usable by children. Very rarely.they will use a sweep marker and nothing more.


Also, one.of the kids shares an eat package with her parents (literally the same package), the adults both sit and eat and the child stands and stares at the chair she is supposed to be using and does not eat.


I imagine I did or didn't do something fairly simple. If anyone has any ideas, I am always grateful.




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A) Check that the furniture that the kids are supposed to use have the "Children Can Use" ticked.

B) Check that their packages have set to "True" the corresponding use idle, furniture... etc.

C) Don't use a save file that has seen your mod, either use one that hasn't or "COC" to your cells to test.

* For testing Packages is safer to "COC" to an "A" cell then use 'Load Doors' to go to the cell you need to test, "COC' can cause weird behevoirs on npc's packages sometimes if you COC to the cell which you intend on testing packages.

I hope it helps and have a happy modding.

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Thanks for the reply. I do have all the furniture marked with the "child can use" box checked. Again I have made duplicates of the ones that weren't already. As for the sandbox package, I have it set for "in cell" (interior) and the settings for "allow idle markers", "allow sitting", and "allow special furniture" are all set to "True". The pieces of furniture in question are normal common items that children use by default (i.e. "CommonChair01R" and "FarmBench01F"). Actually I have 3 other NPCs that use the same AI package as one of them and they do great.


As for testing, I never use a save file from after the mod was created; and especially for interior cells I usually coc to a neighboring area and proceed on foot to my destination (I've learned that on a different occasion).


I might reiterate again the fact that both of these kids share certain packages with adults, and there are no issues with the adults.


Another thought I had was the interior location data. I know that in order to allow certain functions of NPCs to perform actions, the location keywords need to be set to accomodate, say a bard for example. Could that be the case here? I thought a sandbox package didn't really care, and it would just overlook those things.

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