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Noob Question, Please help


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Hi, how do you - in the the construction set - add and item to the players inventory so that it's there at start of game?

Uh, same question for spells, without having to do it in the races menu.


Well, You could create a quest, name iot whatever you want to name it

click start game enabled

then write a script one that looks like this...


scn givemespellscript


short doonce


begin gamemode

set doonce to 0

if doonce == 0

player.addspell spell1 ;whatever the name of the spell you want to add will go in place of spell1

set doonce to 1




make sure you made the script a quest script.

and addit into the quest script place on the main page of your new quest.


then save it and at the beggining of the game you should be getting you spell


You could also set a certain time for when you want your spell added to the game

you could add to the script


if doonce == 0 && player.isincombat == 0 && player.getstage charactergen > 80


by adding that line you are saying when the charactergen quest reaches over stage 80 then you will get the spell as long as you are not in combat.


Thats all you have to do really to add the spell to yourself.


to add a spell or item to an npc

just go to NPC in the object window

find the name of the npc you want and double click

drag the spell or item from the object list you want to add to the npc into the npc's inventory list and save the project.



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Wow, that is quite thorough. I wish I had had this earlier when I first started figuring out how to add stuff. If you need more help for how to use scripts, etc. ask here and also check out:




They have lots of info.

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