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Transparent Player Bug


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So I'm having a problem with my character going invisible. Essentially, if I don't have some kind of glowy effect on my character like ebonyflesh or when I'm healing, I break down and turn invisible. Also, in first person, my hands turn a strange color... Like grey or yellow.
I tried the fixes (setactoralpha 100, become ethereal, fast travel, etc.) and none of them work. Also, this problem wasn't caused by Brelyna's quest; I think it might have happened after I contracted vampirism (but curing it doesn't help).
Here are some pictures to describe what I'm experiencing.







Does anyone know of a way to fix this? It's really frustrating having to have Ebonyflesh on all the time to see my character. =(


EDIT: Currently using the Sovngarde Hero glow effect (player.addspell 10b2de) since the glow fixes it. I mean, I guess it's alright, but a fix would still be nice.

Edited by EpicRandomGuy
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Found this fix dunno if will work tho. Everyone else seems to have fixed it by using the Ethereal shout.


You can usually fix this by reloading the save. Using quicksave then a quickload can be done in under 3 seconds and should restore you


Wait a sec... Did you let the girl in the college practice her spell on yo? If ya did I think ya need to return to her.

Edited by Valkyrie
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  • 2 months later...


Has anybody meanwhile found a fix for this? I am haing exactly the same issue?


When using NVidia try drivers 314.22

Will do once I am back home, thanks. However, seems improbable that this is GPU-driver related. The bug has been around with some people since 2011. With myself , it only appeared recently after several 100 hours without issue. Then it disappeared for 30 minutes, before re-appearing, I believe when I changed cells. Looks much more like a Skyrim or mod issue to me.

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  • 8 months later...

Ugh, Same here! I have the same goddamn glitch, exactly as the screenshot and i can't fix it. I tried become etheral shout, invisibility potion, kill command, set.playeractoralpha 100, and even tried sexchange twice to fix it. Nothing works, and i need a fix.

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