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Release: Dear Diary VR - Paper SkyUI and Categorized Favorites


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Dear Diary VR version is here now with Uranreactor's permission and TheRetroCarrot's modifications. It makes the menus look like paper and for me more importantly adds categorized favorites menu into VR like SE has. I feel it's a great improvement and an upgrade that SE has but VR wasn't updated with. It's here now.
Screenshot of the favorites menu: https://ibb.co/4YXhMDH

The mod:


Here is a video demonstration (not in English):

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Update: mod author: "I completely forgot, this (icon theme) is actually controlled by the SkyUI MCM haha. It will overwrite what you have in your config!"

courtesy of TheRetroCarrot:
"Changing the theme of Dear Diary VR to Celtic themed icons (From SkyUI): change the following in the config in the Dear Diary skyui folder. I would back up the original file itself: (Here's the trick. Doing this will remove the item icons down the list so for some strange reason after you do this revert the file back to its original settings, after actually using the edited config file and you get the best of both for some strange reason in my experience: both item icons down the list and the Celtic themed icons on the top, I don't think the favorites menu icons can be changed).

icons.category.source = 'skyui/icons_category_psychosteve.swf'
icons.item.source = 'skyui/icons_item_psychosteve.swf'
icons.category.source = 'skyui/icons_category_celtic.swf'
icons.item.source = 'skyui/icons_item_celtic.swf'


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  • 3 weeks later...

TheRetroCarrot made the mod as a version of the original mod, DearDiary. Glad you like it.
As far as the health/stamina/magika bars go you should post that question on the VR mod's comments section (or send a message directly to TheRetroCarrot himself).
Personally I have those bars hidden myself using Less HUD VR mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16668?tab=description

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