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The Wyvern's Wrath


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Can you drink as much as the dead guy over there?


He exhausted this countries beer population.



Peace of cake if he's country was Somalia.


PS: I forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :pinch:

Since I can't give you any real prezent, I'll just give you a kudos. I hope you like it, if not I can take it back :P



"grabs 3 more beers"




I feel great already!



YAY thanks friend.



I'm thinking about investing my pennies in a company but I don't know which one, I was thinking maybe a waffle company?

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I like waffle. :D



"grabs 4 more beers"


[note to self: I must take it easy or this kid will have to spend all his money buying me beer]



Thanks for the free beers!

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I got to go guys. C'ya in the morning. Stay safe.


"grabs 3 more beers and then goes down to his room"



Phew, what a night I had! :wacko:

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