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What .ini file do I delete to cause FNV to re-recognize my hardware?


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MyDocuments/MyGames/FalloutNV/FalloutPrefs.ini and Fallout.ini. You could also delete FalloutDefault.ini in the game directory. Not sure if it will help you to get your card recognized though.

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Just deleting the ini files won't do you any good; some of them are constructed by the installer as opposed to the launcher. If the launcher isn't picking up your Video Card, make sure that (If you replaced the old one) your old drivers and device entries have been completely removed from Windows. If you just installed a new card and had been using, for example, onboard video, make sure that the onboard video is disabled in both windows and the bios.


Then run FalloutNV's default launcher, and the setup options. If that doesn't work, completely reinstall FNV by:


1) Delete Local Cache through Steam.

2) Delete your SteamApps\Common\Fallout New Vegas\ folder through Windows Explorer.

3) Delete your My Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\ folder through Windows Explorer.

4) Reinstall FalloutNV through the Steam Library.

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What happened was this: I had FNV installed, then I decided to install FNV Ultimate, and when I did, the game no longer recognized my video card but showed it in the launcher options as NVIDIA without the option to select my ATI Radeon 4670. As I said, everything worked fine in the first install, just not after installing Ultimate. I've reinstalled the ATI drivers but to no avail. Someone else suggested deleting the .ini file so the game would have to re-recognize my hardware. Any suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated.

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If you have a rogue d3d9.dll in your game directory (from ENB or something), delete it.

Well, that worked as to getting my video card recognized, but it desynchronized the dialogue from the characters' mouths, which I had originally fixed by installing the Silent Hill patch from ENB, hence the presence of the d3d9.dll file. There must be a way to make it all work, right? Suggestions?

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i just replied to your other thread about this, possibly you have your FPSClamp turned on. Please post as much info as possible when asking for support, such as what special files you might have installed such as the DX9 fix.

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