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No weapons on back


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XMPSSE's MCM offers weapon carry styles. Not sure about staves or two handed weapons, since they seem impractically long for hip mounting, but for most of the others, you don't have to have an on-back style.


PS> you can also adjust the size of weapons when carried and used in racemenu (see body scales)

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Can't find a mod that would remove weapons of any kind from player's back, since it's unrealistic and not very convenient, or use YY-animreplacer-Zweihander for sheathed heavy weapons

I mentioned YY Zweihander, bcz that's the way to carry a heavy weapon like that, it's impossible to carry a two handed sword on your hip. If I can adjust idle animation when carrying a twohanded weapon and change it I could do that, not sure where to find it tho, and just exchange YYZweihander to overwrite standard two handed sheathed animation when running/walking peacefully

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