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New combat mod: need collaborators


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I need collaborators on this new mod/idea/combat style I have, I will release mod once it actually looks good with the new animation and all credit will go to the animator since that is the hard part, right now it is a bit ridiculous with the shield twisting and I do not actually use this.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jAuylbD390 (youtube video)


http://www.datafilehost.com/download-a5e7b48d.html ( shield on hand )


http://www.datafilehost.com/download-f6e4ae51.html (hkx file )


http://www.datafilehost.com/download-2968143a.html ( shield on back )



I basicly removed the 2 ugly backhand wussy swipes with the powerful cool looking backhand swipes, its still possible to do a strong forehand + strong backhand , ( the classic one when you dont move) if you simply move left or right after the forehand, Same principle applies, if you do a left/right forehand you can shield chop right after if you stop moving or you can do a strong backhand if you keep moving. You can still do a good old headsplitter power attack while not moving as usual, I swapped the backwards attack for the 2 handed ( looks very good ). Basicly the only way to do a weak backhand swoop is then you go backwards and click twice. The front/lateral front works as usual. Not much has changed really...


This is just an hkx swap, all damage is calculated from sword even if shield hits, range is also from the sword and audio is too, 1 hand is also leveled when shield hits, totally harmless. Only downside: enemys will sometimes attack weirdbut the experience belongs to the player right ?


I need 2 things


1 ( most urgent)- I need somebody to change slightly the hkx file so that the arm stays straight down, he actually turns his wrist for a stab movement wich is quite silly, it is not a slash, I need somebody to simply change the arm twist to a straight down slash to make the axe/shield effect believeable.


2-I need somebody to make me an axe edge with the red part of the picture I showed, adding a an axe blade would make this perfect without making the shield bigger, all the animations and kill cams even use this and make it even more believeable

Add a bit of spice to the boring vanilla sword swoops would be cool.

The shield bash punch mod + this would REALLY make combat cool.

Edited by Simeonz
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