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Now I've seen attempts at... I have no idea... claiming to be cybernetic or so on Fallout3nexus, but what I wanna know is whether it's actually possible. Can we make it so I look like a Borg drone? Or close to one. Brotherhood Outcast armor only works so well at satisfying me.




On a slightly related request. Battledroids & SBDs. Now that would be wicked. What's more fun than sniping SBDs?

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In short, yes.


You'd really just need to take the stock body (or Brurpos BABE or Malos or whatever) and add on to it until it resembles a drone, than make it a new race. Of course, then you might want to set the race to be super resistant to normal and energy weapons (the shield effect would be tricky if it's even possible) , make them water-breathing (after all, they can withstand hard vaccuum), perhaps add radiation healing or constant regeneration and script them to make all clothing/armor unequippable. I suppose you could go further by making the nano tubules a melee weapon that swaps the target's race for Borg and forces them to be your companion, you could even base the effect on the Mezmetron.


Then you would be free to incorporate the wastes' distinctiveness into your own!

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Well, that's great, now I just need someone with the ability to do such... 'Cause me and modding, we don't get along well when I attempt it.


As for the shield, it'd only have to be resistant to energy weapons, as their adaptive shielding only adapts to energy weaponry. Bullets, however, can kill Borg quite easily, as portrayed in First Contact, in the holodeck scene. =P

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Alot of ideas for the blasters make them more resemble projectile weapons than the energy weapons, due to the fact that none of the energy weapons in fallout blow holes in the walls, while blasters are infamous for doing so.


also, considering the fact that the energy weapon adaptation thing is based off of the weapons specific frequency and modulation (even then there would be a limit to how much sheer power they can absorb and the adaptation doesn't make them out and out immune to the weapon in question.) but blasters have no frequency or modulation, the Borg would have as much of a hard time adapting to blasters as a rapid fire mini rocket launcher like a Bolter from 40k or a Tau Pulse Rifle.


In essence, while Blasters are technically energy weapons, they should fall under the category of Small guns and big guns for skill purposes, and as kinetic weapons rather than energy weapons for impacts and damage.


I can imagine a single SBD mowing down a whole squad of drones if it has it's wrist blaster go full auto.


would you want the SBDs to be like the small and weak ones from Battlefront? the big and strong ones from Republic Commando, or based on the movies (which is somewhere in between but leaning more towards the republic commando ones in terms of size, could proly use the same mesh as a base).


personally I would go for ones based on the movies, along with B2/a variants which have the arm cannon and grenade shield like republic commando, and preferably use the republic commando voice for both because the SBDs from Episode III sounded too much like regular B1s.

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You know, you could replace Recon Craft Theta with a crashed Borg sphere... And maybe get infected by a brain-dead malfunctioning drone remnant. Then you could go to Pinkerton and assimilate him, he could then upgrade your and his body to full Borg spec (or the closest Fallout equivelant). Perhaps you could even start turning Rivet into a Borg colony...
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You know, you could replace Recon Craft Theta with a crashed Borg sphere... And maybe get infected by a brain-dead malfunctioning drone remnant. Then you could go to Pinkerton and assimilate him, he could then upgrade your and his body to full Borg spec (or the closest Fallout equivelant). Perhaps you could even start turning Rivet into a Borg colony...


except that a borg sphere is what.... several hundred meters in diameter?


tbh i wouldn't mind a crashed chunk of a borg vessel (the type of vessel is irrelevant, a chunk the size of a building would look the same regardless of what type it came from) with drones in it to kill without mercy :devil:


Or hell maybe a tc which would turn Megaton into DS9? and have nothing but instant travel or some such thing to the "planets"


wonder if once they make a flight sim mod, the logical extension of that would be space zones.

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