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Werewolf eyes as two different pieces


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One of the short comings of the werewolf eyes is that in Nifskope they are considered one piece, thus you can't for example make the eyes have different textures (like a blind left eye). What I'm requesting is that someone who knows what they are doing with Blender (in regards to Skyrim modding*) or who has 3d Max, make the eyes two separate pieces.



* = The reason I'm not doing this myself: I still haven't cracked the joke that is importing and exporting Skyrim meshes from Blender without them breaking horribly in one of a hundred different ways, thanks to the nifscripts team saying "no" to Skyrim supporting nifscripts.

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Finally cracked the Blender to Skyrim export, so again I fulfilled my own request. If anyone wants it, it will appear in the upcoming Moonlight Tales mod by the guy behind Tales of Lycanthropy - Werewolf Overhaul.
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