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Creating a new World


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Hi Guys,


Im am new with the Creation Kit, but I am highly ambitious and creative, I am planning to make a new world mod, one with no crashes, and so big.... that it will feel REAL if you know what I mean.. and one that reflects all the beauty of the game itself.

I would love to create something lore friendly.. something not yet made... like the lands of atmora... maybe an old Elven land talked in the history of elders scroll.

If somebody wishes to take part of this project I would be soo grateful, we could all start at the same level. have the same level of opinion and have a very good team work. I am an amateur, but I would really love to do this... to a level that we could create a new land with thousands of npcs.. creatures and be able to do quest battles holding hundreds of npcs at the same time, real epic stuff. nothing is impossible. thank you so much for giving the time to read this. and if you see what I see... please join. and share your thoughts.. thanks to all of you.. and to Bethesda for making this fantasy.. REAL!!!


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Sounds like you would fit right in at Dark Creations. They are making many new world spaces including Hammerfell, Valenwood, Elsweyr, and so on. They always have large groups collaborating together so they'll readily accept anyone willing to help with the projects. I'm sure if you pitch your Atmora idea to them, it might pick up interest. Check them out!



Edited by Somnazul
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You're welcome. No problem ian.

Just to let you know: when you first join the site you cannot change profile information, your avatar picture, or participate in chat until you have posted in the forums at least 5 times. They did that to cut back on spam and bot problems. So just get right to posting and then at post 5 and beyond you can start participating more.

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