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Weird automatic night eye when entering and exiting certain light levels


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So I'm relatively new to modding Skyrim. For the most part I've just been figuring out stuff as I went along. But recently I've had this weird issue with an automatic lighting adjustment bug/mod/plugin. I'm not sure what mod it comes from or why it does this, but every time I enter a dark lighting level, night eye is automatically activated, doesn't matter race or abilities. Now this wouldn't be much of an issue as I can be pretty tolerable, although there is a big problem with it. Every time I load into a part of the game that has a low light level, the night vision turns on, and I crash. Doesn't matter where, it'll turn on and crash.



I've gone through and enabled and disabled many different mods that I thought would be the culprit, as well as look at all of the mod pages of my most recent mods to see if they said anything, but they did not.



If someone could help me, that would be a tremendous help, I can provide any info about my issue if you need more detail, but I'd like to play a game of modded Skyrim without having such a tremendous issue.



Thank you so much.



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It would probably be helpful if you posted your load order, preferably using spoiler tags, to avoid a long post.

0 0 Skyrim.esm
1 1 Update.esm
2 2 Dawnguard.esm
3 3 HearthFires.esm
4 4 Dragonborn.esm
5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
6 6 SexLab.esm
7 7 SexLabAroused.esm
8 8 Devious Devices - Assets.esm
9 9 Devious Devices - Integration.esm
10 a ClimatesOfTamriel.esm
11 b Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm
12 c hdtHighHeel.esm
13 d CreatureFramework.esm
14 e Night Eye Overhaul.esm
15 f BeeingFemale.esm
16 10 Devious Devices - Expansion.esm
17 11 ZaZAnimationPack.esm
18 12 Skyrim - Utility Mod.esm
19 13 EFFCore.esm
20 14 AzarHair.esm
21 15 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp
22 16 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp
23 17 ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp
24 18 ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-1.esp
25 19 12FemaleBrows.esp
26 1a Disparity.esp
27 1b SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
28 1c Celes Nightingale Armor.esp
29 1d MoreNastyCritters.esp
30 1e PsycheAnimationObjects.esp
31 1f SLALAnimObjBillyy.esp
32 20 Night Eye Overhaul.esp
33 21 Slaves of Tamriel - iNeed.esp
34 22 DibellasBlessings.esp
35 23 BeeingFemaleBasicAddOn.esp
36 24 SexLabDefeat.esp
37 25 EFFDialogue.esp
38 26 JKs Skyrim.esp
39 27 Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin.esp
40 28 RealisticWaterTwo.esp
41 29 xazPrisonOverhaulPatched.esp
42 2a Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp
43 2b sanguinesDebauchery.esp
44 2c RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp
45 2d Immersive Weapons.esp
46 2e PAN_NPCs.esp
47 2f UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp
48 30 UFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp
49 31 UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
50 32 Slaves of Tamriel.esp
51 33 Populated Cities Towns Villages.esp
52 34 SexLab_Dialogues.esp
53 35 METraining & Auctions.esp
54 36 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp
55 37 The Ordinary Women.esp
56 38 Seductress Serana.esp
57 39 zz_GDRAHoods.esp
58 3a SimpleSlavery.esp
59 3b FoxClub.esp
60 3c PonyTailClub.esp
61 3d HouseOfBurden.esp
62 3e BanneredMareExtension.esp
63 3f submissivelola_est.esp
64 40 Club Riften.esp
65 41 Maria.esp
66 42 sexlab_necro.esp
67 43 Devious Devices - Equip.esp
68 44 ERF - Ceraph.esp
69 45 SexLab_Hormones.esp
70 46 AnukethFollowers5.esp
71 47 SOS - Hormones UNP Addon.esp
72 48 SLAnimLoader.esp
73 49 UIExtensions.esp
74 4a RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp
75 4b SOSRaceMenu.esp
76 4c XPMSE.esp
77 4d FNIS.esp
78 4e AddItemMenuLE.esp
79 4f DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp
80 50 Attack Speed Fix.esp
81 51 Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
82 52 DeadlyMutilation.esp
83 53 Eyes of Aber.esp
84 54 female mannequins.esp
85 55 Ghosu - Weapon Pack 1.esp
86 56 HelmetToggle.esp
87 57 KS Hairdo's.esp
88 58 Males of Skyrim.esp
89 59 Neithteam Warpaint.esp
90 5a NonEssentialChildren.esp
91 5b RaceMenu.esp
92 5c dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
93 5d SGEyebrows.esp
94 5e ShowRaceMenuAlternative.esp
95 5f SkyUI.esp
96 60 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp
97 61 WWW.esp
98 62 DHuntress.esp
99 63 RaceMenuPlugin.esp
100 64 FlameAtronachArmor.esp
101 65 FullBootForKKSA.esp
102 66 Supreme Storms - Cot Version.esp
103 67 KKFur.esp
104 68 KKSDGWeightSliderFix.esp
105 69 KKSDrBWeightFix.esp
106 6a SOSRaceMenuRotation.esp
107 6b MyraTheTaffyDragon.esp
108 6c NiniFollower.esp
109 6d OliviaFollower.esp
110 6e Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
I'm sorry I don't know what spoiler tags. Straight from LOOT, thank you for responding. What's odd is that I have 131 mods, is that normal?
Edited by ByeSenpai101
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Spoiler tags are an html formatting feature, that, when used, would place all the text and images between them, behind a button labeled "Show". The tags are constructed by using the word spoiler between square brackets [ ] at the beginning of the hidden part of the post, and using the same set up, but with a / before the letter at the end of the post. The result would be like this:



This is your hidden text



As to you load order, I would say there is no "normal" size or length. I have heard of players using only a handful of mods at a time, and I have heard of load orders well in excess of 200. My own load orders vary, depending upon which game I am playing, and what I am interested in having included. My own current load order for Skyrim LE is only 46 active mods. Most of what you have installed is not familiar to me, so I will not be of much help in sorting out your issue, but I did notice one mistake. The Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp must be placed right under your last ESM file. Not doing so can result in some of the bug fixes being overwritten.


If no one else provides any assistance for you, you have two options (that I can think of) to track the problem down. TESVEdit has a conflict detection script that could be used to find what the issue is. It is not a simple utility to use, but there is documentation available to help you learn how to use it. In my opinion, it is a very invaluable tool to have. Another option, is to start another game without any of the mods active, except the Unofficial Patch and Live Another Life. After you are in the game world, save and exit, then activate one mod, start the game and play for a bit. Continue to do this until your issue returns. Even after the issue returns, turn that mod off, and continue checking the other mods, just to be sure. Do not keep overwriting the same save file. If the mod that is causing your issue uses a number of scripts, they might cause other issues when you load a save file that had that mod active, and it is no longer there.


I realize that my second option will be rather tedious and frustrating to do. Unfortunately, the more mods you use in your game, the greater the chance of something going wrong, and the more difficult it is to track it down. Even my rather short load order had to be trimmed recently. I installed a mod that adversely affected my followers behaviour. It was supposed to allow me to use more than one follower, which it did, but none of them would follow me, fight for me, go home, or anything else, It was annoying to say the least...

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