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Main quest broken


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Ok, im not actually sure, if this is a technical problem. But this seems to be some kind of support-forum, so some help would be much apprechiated.

If my english is bad or something, please excuse that, i do my best.


The problem itself appears directly after leaving Helgen. The event with the Dragon doesnt start, and the other guy (forgot the name so far) is frozen.

Means for me: i cant do the main quest, i cant fight dragons and so on. If you need more information, Tell it.


I got actually an idea, where this comes from: This isnt my first game, so directly after escaping from the dragon, i teleported away, coming back later to contiune this. This shouldnt be a problem, but i used the tcl command until.


I tried different actions with the console so far, without any solutions. if some one got an idea, how to fix this, thanks. If not, i have to make a new game, and hope this will not happen again (wasnt the first time). But thanks for reading anyway.

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Mhh, seems not to work. I tried it a few times, and also tried to reload some stages.


I think it will be better, if i give some more detailed information


1. I followed Hadvar into the castle of Helgen. Directly, after he cutted my characters hands free, i used the coc command to get out of there.

2. After a huge amount of time, i came back to end this quest, and to get dragons. Everything was fine, we walked through the caverns, but after we came out, Alduin didnt appear, and Hadvar is frozen now. And for some reason, he stands IN the ground of Helgen itself. If i talk to him, he doesnt answer.

3. i cant take the Quest from the people in Riverwood.


So its looks very broken for me. i dont think its my own fault, because its not the first time, i got this problem, even without warping out of the mainquest.

Edited by steinpilz2
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I found this:


Hadvar can get stuck , The Battle for Whiterun, or another late Imperial quest. (He appears whenever the player enters Whiterun but appears not to follow them outside of the city andDragonsreach.) When you talk to him he says various things, such as "Glad you're here."

  • A solution is to save a game while standing right next to him , close the game and then load from that saved game.



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steinpilze2 is not talking about Whiterun. Based on his descriptions he is getting stuck in the Helgan tutorial, near the end when your character exits the cave and Alduin flies over, after which your character can follow Hadvar to Riverwood and initiate the quest to report the dragon assault.



Can you consistently reproduce this with every new game? You also didn't specify if you are using mods.

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i had this once or twice before, but i started a new game now, and everything worked fine. Mods i use are changing all the time, the only one, ive used in all games is skyui, which shouldnt be a problem. So it could be the game itself, maybe the mods, maybe console commands, maybe all together, maybe none of this. i have no idea. And its not that important for me, because i got a new game now. Its not, that i gave up, its more kind of: ok, waste of time to play a lost charakter, just forget about and take a new one.


If this happens once more, i will write this down here, and also the full and detailed circumstances, but right now, it looks like a self-made-problem, that you can easily avoid.

So, if you guys got more ideas how to fix that, please write them down, to help me, or maybe other people, with problems like that.

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If you are wanting to start the main quest later then use one of the Alternate Start mods. I am thinking that interrupting the Helgen Tutorial may be the problem and with one of those mods you can get around that.

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i used the coc command to get out of there.

This bypassed several quest stages and is likely where your problem lies. The game relies on triggers that are embedded in certain quest stages. By not doing those stages, you don't trigger some other event - by later forcing that other event through a console command, you likely broke the original trigger.


You may try the setstage console command to reset that particular quest (Unbound, MQ101) - instructions here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Console

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I did everything of the helgen tutorial, but i did it times after i should have done. May its because all the changes, i did in the world itself, or maybe its in generally, because i left the tutorial. I dont know. fact is: the trigger misses. Everything is excactly like in casual helgen quest, just the dragon does not appear, and hadvar acts like hes still in the caverns.

Its just like zhe game does not understand, we are out there, so i guess its a missing trigger, or maybe a not working trigger. However, it teaches me, to end the tutorial, as it should be.

just for be sure, this error not to occure again.

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