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Spider Web Issue


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I'm currently creating a leveled dungeon that has a green cave section leading from some catacombs. I'm currently having very strange issue with spider webs. Whenever I drop a new web object into the kit such as "FXspiderWebKitWall01", then I end up with black webs instead of white webs.


I looked all over the place and couldn't find any tutorials for placing spider webs, and I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm simply missing a step somewhere. Anyone have any advice, or has anyone seen this before?

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It shows like that in the CK (depending on if you have the lighting on or off) - if you check it ingame it should show up fine though.


It was showing up black in game for me too when I did a coc to my dungeon.


However, I did figure out how to make them turn white. I dropped a Pure Test Omni light into the cell and as soon as the light touched the web, it turned white. I guess I just need to add some light sources to my cave.


Anyhow, thanks for the reply!

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