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Vortex Can't Find Subnautica Location


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Here's what I did to get it all working / lessons learned. Hope this might help others.


*Forget buying games from Microsoft Store, Mods don't work .

Install Vortex / mod staging folder on the same drive as the game (Subnautica)


1. Download and install Vortex, automatically find games. If necessary manually find games. Click activate games and sign in.

2. Download and install QMod.exe Manager, there are two QMods a) the EXE b) one that can be installed with a mod Manager

3. Add QMod and SMLHelper to Vortex


4. Download wanted mods, drag & drop into Vortex, Enable

5. Deploy mods, make sure no conflicts or errors. I just delete ones with errors.

6. Open game (Subnautica) from Vortex Dashboard (upper left-hand corner)

7) In the game select 'Options', if you see MODS in the menu under Troubleshooting' then it worked.

Here is a decent video:


Still problems?

*Check Vortex notification bell in upper right corner for info


1) Make sure Windows Defender's "Controlled Folder Access" is turned off

2) Check for Folder Permissions problems, Take controll of your WindowsApps folder (Decent video


3) Don't install games in the Program Files, Try another location

4) Make sure you have UAC turned ON

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