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Character editor / Editor Personaje


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Hi I wonder if there is any character editor to change the physical aspect of it is bigger or smaller breasts, tail, buttocks, etc. do not have to be installed in the game but at the same external such as Skyrim Character Editor although this does not help I downloaded one recerdo aver that had some bars to increase or decrease the body parts that I mentioned earlier .... tancks




Hola me gustaria saber si existe algun editor de personaje como para cambiar el aspecto fisico del mismo es decir agrandar o achicar tetas, cola, gluteos ,etc que no tenga que ser instalado en el juego sino externo al mismo como por ejemplo el Skyrim Character Editor aunque este no me sirve yo recerdo aver descargado uno que tenia algunas barras para subir o disminuir las partes del cuerpo que dije anteriormente... espero su respuesta gracias

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Search the Nexus site for Racemenu. You will need some other mods to go along with it to get all the changes you would like. This is the only editor that I currently know of and it must be run from the console using the command "showracemenu."



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