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Moving the interface text for NPC/Items/Objects


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I would very much like to move the interface text that appears whenever the player focuses on an NPC or item -- the text that says "talk to" or "open", along with the hotkey which activates it.


I know that the "Immersive Hud" mod is able to manipulate certain parts of it, and I know that other UI mods (such as EZ2C Dialogue) is able to move UI elements similar to this (such as dialogue text positions, NPC name position in the dialogue menu, etc), but I have not been able to find something that does this specific function.


Does anyone have any ideas/suggestions? The primary reason I'd like to move this text location is so that NPCs/Objects are less obscured by the UI text. I know it was possible in Oblivion; I'm hoping someone has come across something similar for Skyrim.



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I would like to see this too, I personally have almost me entire HUD disabled, and seeing that bugs me. Iw ould also like to have the 'sneak meter' in the top corner of the HUD instead of right in the middle, replacing the crosshairs as well >.> Since I disabled my crosshairs...
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