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Hey All!

I dont know about you guys but I think thought the giants where like the coolest enemies in all of skyrim, now I dont theyre to easy to kill when you reach certain levels.

I thougt that some good mod author might grab this project simply make them more challenging and perhaps different looking.

The vanilla giants looks are ok for the warmer regions, but up in the snowy mountains? :blink:

What I thougt giants had huge balls wouldnt they freeze to death?

Anyways I thought that someone could make some cool armours for them, the greater armour the harder the giant gets.

I think that the key to a cool giant armour is to not make the armours to "civilised" since the giants in Skyrim doesnt seem to be that smart, theyre more like barbarians.

Perhaps fur armours for the giants living in cold regions?

Stone and tree armours for ones on the fields of Whiterun.

I bet other people have thought of this to so someone that mad this would probably get a lot of endorsments atleast from me :rolleyes:

Well anyways tell me what you think, more important type something if you started to mod this.

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have you tried any AI combat mods to make enemies more agressive ??

Yeah.. I have but still it would be nice with the different looks of the giants thats the big point Im trying to get thru

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