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Does your characters become mass murderers?


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I can't play a wanton Murderer myself....I don't find any joy or fun in it....but what I don't understand is why my Dovahkin sometimes gathers 'assault' counts for ambush stealth killing Forsworn and Outlaws (Bandits, Necromancers, etc...)...Though he does get a Murder count though he gets no bounties to go with it when he wipes out the TG. I console the TG's essential tags off and console the Cistern door open and my Dovahkin proceeds to clean the filth out of Riften, akin to wiping out any other outlaw in Skyrim...they fall outside the realm of Innocent or Civilian.


Just FYI http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/28880 , much more structured.

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Hmm, it depends on what you consider a "mass murderer".

I have killed thousands of people, which obviously classify me as a mass murderer.

But just killing someone just for the sake of killing him/her, I never done that.


So if you don't count quest related kills and forswarn, necromancers and bandits, I never "really" killed anyone.


I consider myself an "lawful evil" type of character, so killing without reason is not for me.

I kill for the mother and Sithis, and in self defence not for my own personal gain.

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The Thalmor don't count

Well said.


I feel deep remorse whenever I accidentally kill someone. I tried to free a Stormcloak prisoner from some Imperials and I botched it so badly that everyone died.


It still bothers me. Not outside the game -- I'm not that crazy -- but once the game starts and I'm running around Skyrim again trying to do some good, it bothers me.


To do the DB questline I used a "dead" character, that is someone who has died and reloaded. That same character did the Thieves' Guild quest line. Once for both was enough; I witnessed the content and dialogue, so no more of that.

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