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what would be best load order


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im having lots of lag problems.


my machine=

amd fx 8120 8 core

amd radeon 7870 2 gb

8 gb ram


-my frames keep dipping into 20s then back to 30s


-I have followers floating


-damage on my weapons change from time to time(example orcish mace= 57 damage then for a while its 41 then back to 57 again)




-All DLCs and high resolution DLC



MODS (all up to date)





achieve that

deadly dragons

auto unequip

convenient horses

follower safety

enhanced lights and fx

enhanced lights and fx-ELFX enhancer

enhanced lights and fx-SMIM meshes

alternate start

ars metallica-smithing enhancement

balbor and steelsouls SkyRe Reproccerproject

glowing ore veins 300

static mesh improvement mod

aMidianBorn book of silence


lore-based loading screens

wearable laterns

bandolier- bags and puches

better dialogue controls

categorized favorites menu

categorized favorites menu congig- skyrim redone- CFMconfig


UFO-dawnguard addon

UFO-hearthfire addon

skyrim unlimited rings and amulets


pumping iron



immersive armors

immersive weapons

a quality world map

unique uniques

wet and cold

wet and cold- ashes

climates of tamriel


crimson tide-blood



skyrim HD 2K textures- full

winter is coming- cloaks

winter is coming-cloaks of skyrim patch

cloaks of skyrim

cloaks of skyrim-dawnguard patch

omegared-armor compilation

harvest overhaul

realistic needs and diseases

lock overhaul

ruins clutter improved

skyrim project optimization

sound propagation overhail

chicken companion

grass on steroids(edited ini like author stated)


enhanced distance terrain


hot springs home-riverwood

ReProccer -automated SkyRe patch generator

T3ND0S skyrim redone

T3ND0S Skyrim redone- custom_uncapper_ini

realistic lighting overhaul

skill interface retexture

skill interface retexture-skyre compatability patch

mage backpack

skyrim flora overhaul(edited ini as author stated)

unofficial dawnguard patch

unofficial dragonborn patch

unofficial hearthfire patch

unofficial high resolution patch

unofficial skyrim patch



I dont know how to get em to all work nicly together and get better FPS. Im not sure if any of this information helps. but any help would be helpful. thanks

Edited by SINISTER0007
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For load orders use BOSS, it will automatically configure your load order. If you have a lot of lag it means your pc can't handle it all (that's my problem, pc acts half dead most of the time).

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You should be using BOSS to configure your load order.


Additionally, various errors can be fixed by cleaning dirty mods with TES5Edit (at the very least you should clean any mod indicated as dirty in your BOSS log, although I tend to clean any mod unless the mod author explicitly says not to clean them (such as the Unofficial Patches).


Performance issues can also be fixed (or at least improved) by tweaking your ini files. there are plenty of guides available for tweaking skyrim ini files to improve performance, just have a quick search on google

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I used boss. I can't get it to change the load order for me. But I just looked under recognized mods in the summary and do it as it says. This TES5edit Ima look Into. Got any good links on the ini file suggestion. Hmm and I though my rig could handle this
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Regarding ini tweaks I've used a combination of tweaks from the following guides: http://itcprosolutions.com/skyrimguides/tweak_guide.htm , http://wiki.step-project.com/ , and http://www.geforce.co.uk/optimise/guides/the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-tweak-guide#1 .


The thing with skyrim is that even though you have a system that by all rights should be able to run it, various things can cause issues (for instance large numbers of script errors - due to improper installation of mods, out of order mods, or mods that have now been uninstalled - can impact significantly on game performance), and even with the best rig in the world and limited to no mod conflict, there is just a certain limitation on the capability of the game engine.


out of interest, which program do you use to install and maintain your mods, or do you manually install everything?

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any scripts used are embedded into your save files, which can cause problems if the mods that used those scripts is no longer present.


some mods do provide uninstallation procedures which will stop the scripts that the mod installs running before you uninstall the mod, which does limit the damage, but in general, scripts always leave some amount of residual data

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