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Due to the newly enacted riddle tax in the new founded bar, I think we should post the riddles here to avoid going broke.


"In nature it's found in everything

from the fingers on you hand to the feathers of a wing

in the mollusks shell it's secrets hold

the pattern of a leaf it's meaning told

though essenceless it can be seen

in truth be told the golden mean."

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Before i go to bed,

I shall try my hand at the science answer,

My thoughts were originally DNA, but that seemed unlikly,

And then i considered a nesscesary componet to Life of earthly standards,

Say Carbon, or water.

But the term Golden Mean, was what originally lead me to sunlight,

Unless "mean" is a refrence to math.

Also an essecelass portion to whatever it is implies an insubstantial piece,

That could be anynumber of... well "mystical" things, Love, the force,

As for an insubstantial science component to life on earth?

Quarks, i say quarks.

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I'm not sure if this answer is what the riddle is looking for, but radiation is something every single object and being on on the planet, and galaxy has. Yes, even humans are radioactive. The amount of radiation objects such as stones, grass, or human beings for that matter naturally have, is extremely low and won't really have an effect on you even in the period of a 100 years.
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