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Repeatable CTD at Point Lookout Warehouse


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Despite nothing in my load order affecting this cell I'm having a repeatable CTD every time I try to enter it. There ARE a ton of meshes in this place and it is possible some mod I downloaded gave me a bad mesh but so far, despite removing all the DLC04 Meshes in my data file to a HOLD folder so they aren't being used, I still get the CTDs.


Have used Ordinator and optimized ALL the textures in my data file.


Was wondering if anyone else had the same issue and whether it was solved in the past.


Edit - SOLVED - Once upon a time I downloaded a mod which changed the meshes in the ambient effects folder.

This folder included the fxdustmeshsky01.nif, fxdustsimple01.nif, fxdustsimple01nomesh.nif, fxdustwhirlwind01.nif, fxmistlow01long.nif, fxsmokewisps01.nif, fxswampgas01.nif, ltrayglowgreenbrt01.nif, ltrayglowgreengrdflat.nif, & ltrayglowgreengrdflatbrt01.nif.

Once I removed the folder the CTDs went away, despite my not being able to find exactly which item in the cell used one of those meshes. <shrugs>

Edited by theskyisgreat4u
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