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Help to import my building in Skyrim


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I, i'm new in the modder world, but i'm trainig to import in Skyrim my personal building ( house ) but the model not appere in the Creation Kit.

I downloaded NifSkope and i follow some generic instruction in some object and armor tutorial, but my model is to complex, and i have too many problem whit collision option, anyone can help me ?




This House is part of a major work, to put in Skyrim one sci-fi place like a island whit a city.



Ciao, non riesco a visualizzare nel creation kit l'edificio che ho realizzato, si tratta di una casa moderna, ho seguito alcuni tutorial anche se non attinenti con la mia mod, poichè tutti trattano dell'importazione di oggetti e armature, qualcuno può aiutarmi ? grazie.

Edited by FRANCESCO84Inn
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You do not tell us how you created your model, which file format is it?

You need NifUtils to get your house working in the CK with collision.


Check out these tutorials:



Edited by Tamira
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What model is it ? Obj ? and of course what is your current 3D app for rigging it.


Complex or not, just make sure it has friendly polygons. If this was your first time for importing static model (in this case is structure) into skyrim, take a look for existed building/structure mesh in skyrim for comparison/guide, just extract them from .BSA and open it in nifskope.


Skyrim/Adding Collision Mesh using ChunkMerge : For creating Collision.

Nif Tool N1 Mesh Injector : Another great work from Anton0028 for converting an obj file into a compatible skyrim nif file.

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<p>Hi guys, tx for quote, the 3d modelling is a 3d Studio Max file, and i use NifSkope to import the house into creation kit, the house it was made first on Sketchup8 and import in 3dStudio.</p>

<p> </p>


<p>I'm on working now and soon i'm try to put somthing here, tx</p>

Edited by FRANCESCO84Inn
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