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1: hey i would like to know where i can find the Daedric Armor, Leggings, Shoulders and Boots :) can someone say where to get it?


2: and where is the Vampires that makes Dagoth Ur weaker? :)


3: and is it possible to capture Dagoth Urs sould into Azuras Star :)?


4: whats the best heavy armor in the game? so far i'll say Daedric but maybe theres a better one? i'm wearing the bear thingy helmet that u get by killing the false hero... are there more items like that one? and where can u get it?

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Upon my word, you don't want much, do you?


1. Check the UESP site for a list of armour whereabouts (including Daedric).


2. Search the forums for the Ash Vampires, there is an open thread on it. I posted in it only yesterday.


3. I don't think so but I am not sure.


4. There are many unique items, some given as rewards for completing the seven Daedric quests, some by doing faction quests, others are lying in tombs and caves. One or two you have to 'know' about (Azura's Servant, Auriel's Shield, Eltonbrand etc). Again UESP gives a list that is by and large complete. I have an emailable speadsheet of unique items. If you want it PM me with an email address.


And please use the search button to answer questions. You get the answers more quickly and it saves having too many repeat threads on the forum. Make sure you check 'all forums' and both under and over 30 days.



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