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Lighting/shadows flickering and disappearing when I look away.


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Not really sure what to call this issue as I've never really encountered it. I've been having some shadows and lights disappear/flicker outside (not inside) in certain parts of Riften (this is the most obvious place, but I've also noticed it happening in different locations as well), it will only disappear and flicker if I move the camera in a certain direction or walk. I just really don't know how to explain this issue very well so here is a video. At first I thought it may have been Relighting Skyrim since it makes Worldspace edits, so I tried deleting the Worldspace record in SSEEdit (I made sure to backup the plugin) but that did nothing, so I restored the plugin. I somewhat have a feeling this might have something to do with hardware since I'm using both a new RTX GPU as well as a new Ryzen CPU (RTX 3070 and Ryzen 5 5600x) and there may be some sort of incompatibility between Skyrim and the new hardware, but I'm not so sure as it works wonders in every other game I've played. Any further ideas or help would be much appreciated.


Modlist: https://modwat.ch/u/Mored

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If you've installed RLO (Real Lighting) or other lighting mods, you may have "too many" light sources in a confined area. Skyrim has some capped limit of the number of simultaneous light sources. I think you just have to deal with the problem, unless you want the vanilla experience you get from not having real lighting overhaul or similar mods installed (and tbh, I'm not sure you'd avoid every possible incidence that way anyway)

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If you've installed RLO (Real Lighting) or other lighting mods, you may have "too many" light sources in a confined area. Skyrim has some capped limit of the number of simultaneous light sources. I think you just have to deal with the problem, unless you want the vanilla experience you get from not having real lighting overhaul or similar mods installed (and tbh, I'm not sure you'd avoid every possible incidence that way anyway)

The only mods I have that edit lighting are Obsidian Weathers, Relighting Skyrim and Luminosity. Obsidian and Relighting Skyrim are the only one's that change bulbs where as Luminosity just changes the colour in cells. So I'm not totally sure whether or not that's the issue, but it could be.

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