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female argonian companion?


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i'm looking for a good female argonian companion but i am haveing trouble finding. Can any one lend a hand?

Once again, use the search engine. Can't stress this enough on the Mod site as well as here. I went to the tesnexus.com site and typed "companion" and lo and behold there are lots of companions. If you're looking for guidance or a decent one (with good ratings), look at "Companion Share and Recruit" as it has a lot of features you may like. There are also Argonian Companions in that search I just ran a minute ago. Again, if you're new its understandable: usage of the search engine (and the advanced one) can get you pretty good results. Well you might have to sift through to find what you want (but you can set up so it goes by rating or download and I think you'll be able to find it). Hopefully this helps.

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