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Terrible performance, too laggy


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I need some help, because my skyrim is too laggy, my mouse is alright now, but even on the lowest graphics, my skyrim is so laggy, and i can barely play :/

Model : HP Pavilion dv6 notebook

Processor : AMD Athlon™ II P340 Dual-core processor 2.20 GHz

Installed memory : 4GB (3.74 usable)

System type : 64 bit Operating system

Thanks :smile:

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In order for people to provide some help it would be beneficial to provide the following information:



1. Could you post your current load order?
2. Have you cleaned all your mods using TES5Edit?
3. Are you using BOSS to correctly sort your load order?
4. Which version of SKSE(if you have it) are you using?
5. Which version of Skyrim are you using.
6. Do you notice the lag more in any particular place (i.e. is it worse outside, in a particular region of skyrim, during combat, when casting etc.)
7. Could you post up your current game performance settings (i.e. the ones you set it the options menu of the skyrim loader)
8. Have you made any adjustments to the skyrim ini files?
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1. Load order is :


Skyrim.esm 00

Dawnguard.esm 01

Update.esm 02

Witchplate.esp 03

Better dawnguard vampires.esp 04

ribeable-broom.esp 05

marriable serana.esp 06

spellpack 2.esp 07

spellpack 1.esp 08

lockpickpro.esp 09

LC_ArcherEliteArmor.esp 0A

Blaze of eventide.esp 0B

Open Cities skyrim.esp 0C

climatesoftamriel.esp 0D


2. No, i have not cleaned my mods

3. No, i am not :/ (I'm new to modding)

4. Not using skse

5. version of skyrim

6.mostly when im moving and combat

7. My graphics are on low

8. Yes, to make my mouse and movement better, and it has made my game alot faster, but it still has lagging issues, no mouse issues.

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You really should be using BOSS (Better Oblivion Sorting Software) to order your mods as having your mods loading in the correct order can clear up various issues (for instance, Update.esm should be positioned before Dawnguard.esm).


At a guess I would say that Climates of Tamriel and Open Cities skyrim may be causing performance issues, although given that you have your graphics set to low, and you have very few mods running it seems unlikely they would such have a massive impact.


In general what kind of FPS rate are you getting when you play skyrim?


Also, what graphics card does your laptop have?

Edited by Azakiel
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Remove the next mods, had the same problem too many mods middle-low pc:



Better dawnguard vampires.esp


Blaze of eventide.esp

Open Cities skyrim.esp



Sorry, but for mods u need extra good gaming rig.

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