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WIP - Norse Shields


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I have been working on a mod that aims to make the human gear in Skyrim more "realistic" and historically inspired, which for the Nords means more of a viking feel than what was found in vanilla Skyrim. I outlined the general idea in the request board but decided to do whatever I could myself as I got my CK crash fixed and got BSAopt instead of BSA unpacker which never really worked. The result, so far, is these WIP shields. I am planning to release them as a standalone mod as I do not have permission to use the realsword models for the weapons, which would be ideal (although I haven't really asked).


These shields will come in a variety of colour combinations randomized in the loot list replacing the standard hide & iron shields so that there will be more variety. I'm gonna make heavy versions with the design nailed on in metal rather than painted (dawnguard shield style) as well.


Any comments or suggestions?



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