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Minigun sounds help


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Ok to start off this is not the bug where the sound plays indefinitly. When I go to fire my minigun the moment i click my mouse the sounds of the barrels at full rotating speed play. there is no whrrrring of the barrels before they fire and no wind down after its just full barrel spin sounds and nothing and then after this if i let go of the mouse and fire again the sound disappears until i click a third time so basically to summarize.


1. Just constant Full Barrel Spin reports as soon as finger makes mouse contact, 2nd in this order as i click. 1, Sound, 2 no sound, 3 sound.



This also happens for the Gatling laser


Anyone else experience this?



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On any heavy weapon that is automatic, if you stop firing then try to fire again immediately 9/10 times the gun will be silent. This is a game bug where the sounds won't kick in again until the full animation of he weapon (Wind up and down) has completed. On the minigun it is most notable. However you say no animations , just sounds? Perhaps you have modded the minigun and the animation file is missing or broken, or is not specified correctly in your merged/manual patch. Or you played with the NIF and removed the animations (doubt that cos you didn't say lol).


Either way, the sounds is not a problem, just a game bug, but the animations not playing is a worry.

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um the animations are all there it animates fine its just the wind up sounds arnt there it just has that one sound it plays instead of the usual wind up, fire, wind down, sound effects from the minigun from fo3

Edited by Vancer2
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I get what you mean, no wind up sounds. If you just pulled that sound out of the BSA then i'd say this is some weird s*** but if you just got that outta your data/sounds folder then it's modded to not have the wind up sounds. You can check this in FNVedit, under the weapon's data look for the firing sound and see if it has been changed in a mod.


It may also be a hardware related/FPS related issue, if your running more than 60fps then it might be going so quick it "skips" the sounds, or if too low fps the same thing. It may not be the case but just to cover everything it's worth mentioning. Or it could be a hardware/audio setting issue which is producing a slight delay, again giving the effect that it is skipping the sound of the winding up of the weapon.


It's ahrd to say without actually seeing the game in front of me but those are some things you can look at. If you really get stuck after this, try to post a quick video for further analysis.

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LOLS i went to take a video and the sound is fixed xD. Now I get to figure out how to mod the file with this sick new gatlng gun sound. Btw extracted the fiile from the bsa after reading ur post so the sound file i had must have been corrupted somehow :S

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Glad your issue is resolved :). Most likely that file was deliberately modified to exclude that part of the sound, the modder's intentions were more than likely to compensate for the problem with animations I mentioned earlier.

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  • 6 months later...

Got quite a similiar bug and dunno how to fix it.

As said: when I start shooting, I don't hear the wind-up at all (ok maybe for a few frames), but instantly the firing sound. Atleast the sound won't loop forever.
Any ideas?

I've tried to use dingleface's "Minigun Windup Audio Fixer" (http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/47518/?) but it won't help either.
Checked again: The wind-up is there, but gets "overlapped" by the actual firing sound after 1 or 2 frames.

Need some help in this one ):
I'd love to use my miniguns again but like this it just hurts ): ...

Edited by DuWMinh
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