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(request) Phaser fire


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Hi guys,


I did notice a guy requesting some star trek stuff.



I was tweaking up some laser weapon mods using fomm and had an idea.


Is it possible to recreate weapon fire like phasers from star trek? By holding down the trigger a solid beam laser comes out and stops when the its detriggered. Kind of like an artillary target painter.


anyone had ideas? I did notice an artillary target projectile nif on the esm so I could compare the stats on it.


If anyone comes up with anything let me know.



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By holding down the trigger a solid beam laser comes out and stops when the its detriggered. Kind of like an artillary target painter.


This is the way I wish the laser weapons worked in FO3... It would make a lot more sense when you dismember people, too. However, I would add a shot timer to limit the length of pulses to like a half second or so.

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Hi guys,


I did notice a guy requesting some star trek stuff.



I was tweaking up some laser weapon mods using fomm and had an idea.


Is it possible to recreate weapon fire like phasers from star trek? By holding down the trigger a solid beam laser comes out and stops when the its detriggered. Kind of like an artillary target painter.


anyone had ideas? I did notice an artillary target projectile nif on the esm so I could compare the stats on it.


If anyone comes up with anything let me know.




the way to do this is make the shot 1/100 damage pershot by exemple then muliplty the fire rate to the desireble value...then the laser will hurt like a laser would...by the time of exposure.

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Hmm, you would also have to set the fade duration on the beam to almost zero to avoid a fan of beams whenever moving and firing. I've already got that problem with the Colonels laser SMG, and I've set that one for about 500 shots per minute.


Oh, and you would need a fire loop sound, too, or the rapid pile-up of overlapping sounds would quickly bog down you're machine.

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