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Awful Hard Neck Seams on nearly all Females NPCs


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Hello all,


I'm having some frustrating issues, as the title says, nearly all female NPCs in the game have some really bad neck seams, the kind where there's an actual gap in their neck. So far the only characters not affected are Brelyna and Irileth, because I use Bijin's Warmaidens for them.


I'm not sure what's causing this, because it wasn't happening last night. Since then, only two things have changed, I've installed modular clothing system, and I used the "Setnpcweight" command on my own character. So I uninstalled modular clothing and that didn't change, and I loaded previous saves before the weight change and that didn't fix it.


I have several texture and npc mods installed, this includes Bijin's Warmaidens(For only Brelyna and Irileth), the Diversity Overhaul, UNP skins, and Tempered skins for males. So I'm assuming something is conflicting, but I've uninstalled each, and nothing has fixed the neck seams. I even started a new save, and everyone still has neck seams. I can't figure out what's causing this, especially since I had everything working less than 24 hours ago.


I sorted everything via loot multiple times as well, and I've been using vortex. No conflicts showing there.


Update: Even with everything uninstalled, it's still occurring across both old and new characters.

Edited by Scumbagtrillionaire
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If you used MO it would install mods on a modular way so that nothing is in the Skyrim Data folder. You could then click on each mod to see what's overriding what mod and drag and drop them around. I stopped using Vortex for this reason. It sounds like something is overriding something else that uses skeleton meshes for the female NPCs. This would cause something to not line up correctly. Usually incorrect textures for the meshes. Also note, never uninstall or install mods mid playthrough. It will screw up your save. Small mods are okay like armor and weapons, but full on overhauls for NPCs require restarts.

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