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Skyrim crahses to desktop (just can use maximum 5 mods)


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Hello guys.


I have a big Problem with my Skyrim and my mods.


I cant install more then 5 Mods on my skyrim. if i have more mods in the list, it crashes to the desktop while i run trough skyrim with my character.it sounds strange but i noticed that the the game works fine if i am in an area of about 200m around whiterun away, but if i go more far,it crashes..

I also cant install any texture packs.



I have the latest Skyrim patch, tle latest skse and all DLCs.

BOSS is not needed because i have to few mods.

The mods i have, are:



Realistic Lighting


The Dance of Death



I also checked if there is some mod, which is requiered for this mods, missing, but it is not .


Could the problem be my operating system? (Windows 7 ultimate 32bit)


it would be very kind if someone could give me any tips or help.


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Skyrim works just fine with Win7, both 32 and 64 bit versions.

My guess is the mod you are trying to add needs to be in a different load order in order to mitigate any conflicts with the existing mods. Go ahead and try BOSS.


Other possibilities are the mod needs something you don't have installed - such as a master that is not included in the download. Also be absolutely certain you always start the game with SKSE and not with the vanilla game launcher - SKSE MUST be started every time.

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