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Golden Glow Estate Trespassing.


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so recently I installed the game onto my new computer and started a new game. and even more recently I started the thieves guild quest line. (note I've done these quests before on another game before I installed it onto my new computer and never had this problem before.) I get up to the quest "Loud and clear" and even that runs smoothly till I get into Golden glow estate itself. the moment I enter the estate I get a trespass everything counts as stealing and when I get to the 2nd floor if I'm not sneaking Aringoth comes running around to meet me at the entrance and says that I need to get out or he will call the guards, and if I don't get out I eventually get a bounty.


which I guess is all fine and dandy since I can complete the quest either way. but even after completing the quest whether I use console commands or do it the normal way, when ever I enter golden glow estate it counts as a trespass. (and I can enter the sewer without getting a trespass.) but considering I was going for more of a noble type of game, where I don't steal everything, kill everyone and trespass everywhere. I was wondering if anyone had a solution.


I tried uninstalling all my mods and even uninstalling all the expansions, I even tried starting a brand new game and going strait into the thieves guild after I uninstalled everything. but I just cant figure out what is causing the game to not trigger that zone as not trespassing.

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