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DarnifiedUI error when I load into the game.


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So I'm getting back into playing New Vegas I have Darnified UI installed and it works perfectly from what I can tell in the main menu which displays version numbers fine etc..

Once I load a save or new game the version numbers in the lower corner become Zero.Zero for NVSE and JIP LN.

Both NVSE and JIP LN are installed correctly following each of their install instructions.


Any help or input on this would be appreciated as I have looked at older and newer threads on Darn errors and can't find any fixes for this there.


Console log error





Main menu version check





In game version check




Edited by TheIrishAce
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Does the game work anyway? Might this just be "cosmetic"? On second thought, that "array" error is serious, so ignore that question.


DarnUI v0.0.5 must be the TTW version. The error message indicated it is from the "DARNUINVQuestScriptExtras", which appears to me to be related to the '"Extras" game mode HUD for the Fallout 3 version combined with the FNV version menus' which is incorporated.


The NVSE version is listed as 6.04b4, which appears to be a "beta" version of xNVSE. The latest official "release" is listed as simply "6.0.4". Try updating to that version. If that IS the latest version, try the previous version.


You also have the latest version of JIP LN NVSE. Sometimes things get broken in an update to that mod (called a "regression" when something that previously worked, stops working after a change), so try the previous version of that as well if the NVSE reversion don't work.


Otherwise you need to take this problem to the TTW team as it is their version of DarnUI which is reporting the "syntax" problem.



Edited by dubiousintent
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Thank you so much for the reply Dubious.


The latest release 6.0.4 of xNVSE when unpacked is actually the 6.0.4b4 when the game is run. That's the current version I'm using.

I've downgraded my JIP LN by a version to no effect.


I've noticed that when I downgraded my xNVSE from 6.X to their "older" but latest 5.X build I don't get the same error in the console for DarnUI.

Maybe the xNVSE guys changed how the function worked and in turn Darn has become broken?


As for my installed version of DarnUI I'm using the GDrive download link from the TTW site and am using the patches from Nexus along with that.

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It is indeed looking like there was a change in the later versions of xNVSE. But given that sometimes it returns the correct values and sometimes doesn't, I think you need to raise the issue with the TTW team, as their version of DarnUI has the discrepancies.



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