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Looking for Voice Actors


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Hi all I am looking for anyone who would be interested in voice acting parts for my mod Hellspire which can be found here. (You will of course be given credit if you help)




To give you a rough idea I am looking for demonic and evil voices appropriate to the various bosses and npcs that have dialogue in the mod. Already gave it a try myself with voice changer software but my mic is bust i think as every b and p spoken comes out as if I am spitting and the sound level is far too low. So if anyone is interested in this get in touch! Thanks

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to avoid the explosive spitting on b's and ps, get a wire coat hanger and bend it into a circle then cut a pair of tights in half and stretch 1 half over the coathanger.


hold this in front of the mic when you record and it should do the trick

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To avoid that sound when you voice b's and p's, smile as you pronounce them.

Any examples of what, specifically, you're looking for in terms of voice acting? What sort of "demonic sounds" would we be expected to replicate? And are we speaking in English or dragon tongue?

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@rickythegreat I am waiting to hear back from one person to see which parts he wants to do. There are loads of parts I need voice acted, so if you wanna PM me your email or something I will send you the lines for the various parts and you can let me know if you want to do any of them. cheers

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Hey morrowind, message me if you want some help. I'm not an accomplished voice actor, but i can lend my voice with a decent mic, and I have LOTS of Audacity practice (layering audio, changing pitch, adding effects, etc).


Would love to be a part of a mod!!

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