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3D modellers/texture artists wanted


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Hi all,


I am looking for 3D modellers, texture artists, and possibly animators to help create some content for an exciting mod that I am working on. The mod is a quest mod that needs some new characters and a few animals and monsters. For now I am making due by modding some existing assets with my limited modelling/texturing abilities. I'd prefer to have someone with some real art skills to do this part so I can focus on developing the gameplay and story content of the mod. The workload is not too heavy and will consist mostly of improving and modifying some existing assets, and possibly creating some new weapons and armor, and maybe a brand new creature or two.


If you are interested, please reply here and/or send me a private message and I will fill you in on the details.

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I'm a modeller and texture guy. I'm not so good at animating--mostly the rigging and weight painting part. As you may have noticed in my previous, incoherent, 3:00 AM frustrated rant, I'm also having a few issues catching up to the new ways the NIF files are being used. It also seems like the tools haven't quite caught up. But I rock at static objects--buildings, weapons, armor parts, especially weapons. I have a bias toward realistic, though--since I do some longsword and other WMA myself. If that's what you're looking for--I'm always willing to discuss a collaboration. Or, I have been since I discovered in Oblivion that creating a whole new worldspace/story line/characters/models/quests and scripts was too much work for one person :happy:.


If you are interested, please message me here, or e-mail me at hoodoo_man at cox.net with some details. I can send you miscellaneous samples of old things I have laying around, but haven't used much--or things I've created for artistic projects that are way too high res probably. I actually have a set of Scottish Highland weaponry that I made for Oblivion--I was trying to get a great-kilt to work to release them all together--but I could never get it quite right. Anyway, that happens a lot. So I have unused resources. I'm currently working on A) trying the great kilt in Skyrim--I think I can make it work if I can figure out the d*** transparency settings--but I want it as a cloak--like it's supposed to be, so you can wear it over things--and sprucing up, and possibly re-making some of the weaponry, since Scottish mods are lacking and apparently in demand.


I usually get frustrated somwhere around the creation kit/scripting phase--or just get bored and move on to other models sometimes. It's hard to stay focused without a project. I could use something to work on to refine my skills (which were awesome a couple of years ago--and I don't know what happened :P.


Good luck with your mod either way


Hoodoo Man

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