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What mod adds this stupid aim assist reticle to enemies


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Just trying to help someone get rid of this, I know it's probably from PN, Advanced Recon or something like that, but it just won't go away, no perks, no apparel, no implants, no special effects at all. Just looking for a quick answer to disable it. Kudos to the first answerer that's on the money XD


EDIT - NEW LINK: http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w489/ssmb_92/New%20Vegas%20pics%20for%20mods/NV%20pics/2013-04-05_00004_zps29e14b68.jpg


As mentioned below, can't find the MCM setting or pin it to any item, at least in my own game, but the guy that has it has a very similar LO to me and I helped him build it, and he can't find it either.

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The link is broken? Damn. I'll relink it.


I can't seem to find the MCM setting for it, although I don't have the problem in my game, but yeah I did have my money on that too..


EDIT: here, new link, photobucket this time: http://i1078.photobucket.com/albums/w489/ssmb_92/New%20Vegas%20pics%20for%20mods/NV%20pics/2013-04-05_00004_zps29e14b68.jpg

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So it is NVEC, what component, there is no mention of this under MCM. Spose I should go look at it myself but anyone with a quick answer feel free to jot it down for us :smile:


EDIT: AHA I know what it is now, it is AR - There is a setting to add the spotter perk, big thanks for the screenie Luthienanarion :smile:


EDIT2: Okay F***, disabling the always active Spotter perk option in AR didn't help, Boone is not in party either, and as far as I know the spotter perk has been removed from the PC. DX.

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